Am 24.04.21 um 05:13 schrieb peter green:
Adding debian-x to CC.
On 01/01/2021 16:52, Karl-Heinz Künzel wrote:
For a crosscheck I installed 'debian-10.7.0-amd64-netinst.iso'
Xfce. System working!
sources.list buster -> bullseye, update, upgrade, dist-upgrade, reboot
and after grub system crashes 'black screen'.
Restart again, now with kernel 4.19.0-13. System working!
br KH
It strikes me that there are two parts to this issue.
1. How to make the installer find/install the firmware?
2. Why does X work without firmware on the buster kernel but not on the
bullseye kernel? did the buster kernel accidentally
include firmware that it should not have done? when running on the
buster kernel is X and/or the kernel using a generic
driver rather than a GPU specific driver?
I think, Holger Wansing made things quite clear, but what puzzles me is,
that only a very few people (if any at all) do have this issue. I asked
in the both DEBIAN forums, no confirmation. And I have the issue with
I filled a bug report #984518 on this and did another try as Debian
GNU/Linux bullseye-DI-rc1 "Bullseye" - Official Snapshot amd64 NETINST
20210415-20:25 just was released. Same! If I see it right 'Kernel not
loading, nv, nouveau, vesa'.
Maybe we will see a reaction, when Bullseye is finally released and this
issue affects more users??
br Karl