
Brian Potkin <claremont...@gmail.com> wrote (Sat, 27 Feb 2021 16:54:01 +0000):
> > +Template: hw-detect/firmware_packages_to_install
> > +Type: string
> > +# :sl2:
> > +Description: Additional/firmware packages to be installed:
> > + Modern devices (like graphics cards or network devices) tend to need 
> > firmware
> > + blobs to be loaded onto the device, to be (fully) functional. This may 
> > already
> > + have been dealt with,
> Surely not "may" but "will".

Sorry, I don't get your point here.
Do you think, that the installer will surely do the needed things regarding 
installation automatically?
This is true for many hardware, but not true for graphics cards!
Which is the reason for this patch.

> >                         but if the installer does not include non-free 
> > firmware
> > + packages,
> "if"? There is only *one* installer. It does not include non-free
> firmware packages. Did you have some other non-Debian variant in
> mind to promote in the installer?
> >             or could not detect the need for them (this may be the case
> > + especially for graphics cards), it may be necessary to fetch them 
> > manually at
> > + this stage.
> What militates against using the existing infrastructure? pkgsel,
> early_command and late_command?

In fact, I copied an existing script from hw-detect/hw-detect.finish-install.d
and modified it to my needs. So I assumed this is not that bad?

> > + .
> > + If you know your hardware requires this, and you have enabled "non-free"
> > + package sources, you can list firmware packages here to have them 
> > installed.
> > + For AMD/ATI graphics cards you might want to install 
> > "firmware-amd-graphics";
> > + for Intel or Nvidia, "firmware-misc-nonfree".
> > + .
> > + Please note, that you can also use this dialog for installation of any 
> > other
> > + additional packages you want to have installed, not just firmware. Package
> > + names need to be space-separated.
> A duplication of what the installer already provides.
> > + .
> > + If you don't know what to enter, just leave it blank to not install any
> > + additional packages.
> Have you thought of using tasksel to provide the installation of
> non-free packages?

Using tasksel for this would just allow to display one simple line for
this topic ("Install firmware packages" or similar) and no possibility to
give more detailed description, what this is or why this is needed (and
mention that this may need non-free).
This all is what the patch does.
And how to use tasksel: do you want to add a single task for every firmware 
package? How many entries for such tasks would that be?
Or do you want to add just one task, and install all firmware packages we have
in Debian at once, no matter which hardware is in the PC?

No, I think using tasksel for this is not suitable.


Holger Wansing <hwans...@mailbox.org>
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