
Bernard McNeill <bmqaws...@gmail.com> wrote (Sat, 13 Feb 2021 18:24:35 +0000):
> And there was a difference: This time, when the partitioner came up, it 
> could see the internal SSD (previously it didn't, just showed the 
> external HDD and the installer flash drive).
> I have no idea why this should be, but carried on installing Debian over 
> the entire external HDD.
> And I still get the same result...it's as though the installer is not 
> setting the Debian boot option to point to the HDD.

What's the error/problem/message in detail?
Installation wents through fine, but machine cannot boot newly installed
Debian system?
Or installation fails at some step?


Holger Wansing <hwans...@mailbox.org>
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