On Fri, 2021-02-05 at 20:05 +0000, Bernard McNeill wrote:
> This machine does not have either CD or DVD drive. Does have internal SSD.
> This machine normally runs Windows-10.
> Objective is to have Debian on external HDD (Toshiba), connected to 
> laptop via USB3.
> Events:
> Under Windows, downloaded iso to SSD.
> Win32diskimage from SSD to HDD.
> Restarted, F12, picked out HDD from bootlist, booted, got into Debian 
> installer.
> Does a few steps (language etc).
> Gets stuck at 'No common CD-ROM drive was detected'.
> Ideas?

I suggest writing the installer iso to a USB stick, and booting from that to
install.  Win32diskimager should be fine for that purpose.
If you still have difficulty, please also say exactly which iso image.
Good luck.

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