
I'm trying to create a custom arm64 CD image using simple-cdd, and
have the CD image with the same support as debian-arm64-xfce-CD-1.iso.
So I need a profile.package file to tell simple-cdd what packages need
to be built into the CD image.  I can use the script [1] with some
modification to get a complete list of packages that are built into
debian-arm64-xfce-CD-1.iso, but that's not what simple-cdd expects.
As documented in howto [2], the profile.package should not include
package dependencies, but only the packages I actually want.  Is there
any way I can get a proper profile.package for simple-cdd to build a
CD image with the same support as reference

Any suggestions or comments are appreciated!


[1] https://wiki.debian.org/DebianCustomCD#Create_List_Of_Files_To_Include_On_CD
[2] https://wiki.debian.org/Simple-CDD/Howto

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