Samuel Thibault, le mer. 11 nov. 2020 18:36:21 +0100, a ecrit:
> Ben Hutchings, le mer. 11 nov. 2020 17:02:11 +0000, a ecrit:
> > On Wed, 2020-11-11 at 11:25 +0200, Harald Hannelius wrote:
> > > I needed to enter an IPv6-address in the installer. When entering
> > > fe80::1 as a gateway the installer stops with an error that the
> > > address isn't reachable. The address fe80::1 is indeed a valid
> > > address for a gateway.
> > 
> > No, this is a link-local address so you have to also specify the
> > interface name, e.g. "fe80::1%eth0",
> Mmm, but in manual network configuration we already select the interface
> in a previous question, don't we?

(meaning we shouldn't have to specify it again, plus in some hardware
cases the interface name is really complex so we really don't want to
make the user have to type it)


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