Package: debootstrap

Version: 1.0.114
I have a local Debian Mirror organized with mirror_style 'main'.  I've
used this setup for years.

Using this mirror under buster, debootstrap fails with the error

    E: Couldn't download

The error message is generated by the shell function

    download_main ()

in the file


at line 911.  The cause is line 885 in the same function

    for p in "$@"; do

The double quotes cause the list of packages to be seen as a single
item.  The for loop iterates only once with the value of p containing
the entire space-separated list of packages.

The fix is to remove the double quotes.  I've have tried this fix and
it works.  The for loop then iterates over each package separately.

The bug was introduced when line 425 in 1.0.89

    "$DOWNLOAD_DEBS" $(echo "$@" | tr ' ' '\n' | sort)

was replaced with (at line 484 in 1.0.114)

    "$DOWNLOAD_DEBS" "$(echo "$@" | tr ' ' '\n' | sort)"

Note the addition of double quotes in the newer version.  The for loop
line is the same in both versions.  In 1.0.89, DOWNLOAD_DEBS is
called with many arguments.  In 1.0.114, it has just one.

The value of $DOWNLOAD_DEBS could refer to either the

    download_main      or

function corresponding to the mirror_styles 'main' and 'release'.  In
the 'release' case, the new version works fine(*).  I suspect the bug
only appears in the less common 'main' case.  That is why I don't
suggest reverting the function calling site and instead altered the
for loop in the function download_main.

In my setup, I call debootstrap as follows:

    /usr/sbin/debootstrap                                 \
      --verbose                                           \
         --variant=minbase                                \
            --arch=amd64                                  \
      --components=main                                   \
      buster                                              \
      /mnt/impromptu/Tigris                               \
      file:///srv/digital_content/debian_mirrors/buster/  \

The debootstrap script is simply the buster script with mirror_style
main instead of release.

    cd /usr/share/debootstrap/scripts/
    diff buster_main buster
    < mirror_style main
    > mirror_style release

Thanks for your attention,

Tim Connors

(*) This how I recently re-populated the local mirror from

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