Martin Samuelsson <> writes:

> I'm saying there is no /dev/fd/ at all

Oh, fair enough.  That's odd.

BTW The example I pasted was just busybox running on my laptop running
full Debian, so was not supposed to be demonstrating it working under

> --- http.orig 2020-09-21 17:21:24.159480072 +0200
> +++ http.simplified   2020-09-21 17:21:03.951356698 +0200
> @@ -14,10 +14,10 @@
>               local RETVAL=$( {
>                       echo 1
> -                     wget "$@" 2>&1 >&3 && echo %OK%
> +                     wget "$@" 2>&1 && echo %OK%
>                       echo %EOF%
> -                     } | ( sed -ne 
> '1{h;d};/'"$file_not_found_pattern"'/{p;s/.*/4/;h;d};/^%OK%$/{s/.*/0/;h;d};$!p;$x;$w
>  /dev/fd/4' >&2 ) 4>&1
> -             ) 3>&1
> +                     } | ( sed -ne 
> '1{h;d};/'"$file_not_found_pattern"'/{p;s/.*/4/;h;d};/^%OK%$/{s/.*/0/;h;d};$!p;$x;$p
>  '>&2 )
> +             ) 
>               return $RETVAL
>       }

This mixes the stdout of wget with the %OK% %EOF% stuff, and then puts
it all into the sed, which seems flawed.

One could replace the >&3 with >/dev/null, and keep the sed, but if one
isn't trying to preserve the wget output I don't see the point of
keeping the sed at all.

I'd have thought something like this would do the trick (not tested yet):

local RETVAL=$(
     wget "$@" 2>&1 >/dev/null && echo 0 >&3
   } | {
     grep -q "$file_not_found_pattern" && echo 4 >&3
   } || echo 1 >&3
 } 3>&1 | head -1

(the patterns will need to be tweaked to take account of sed vs. grep)

One could of course use stderr for that (>&2 ... 2>&1) for getting the
echo-ed return codes out, rather than fd #3, but I think this is clearer
(since one really isn't trying to produce stderr output) and AFAIK it
should work fine even if /dev/fd/ is missing.

I suspect there may be a way of getting this to work without the need
for a local variable and the echoing for the result codes, so I will
ponder on that...

BTW I just saw Ben's comment that we should just fix the missing /dev/fd
which strikes me as entirely sensible. Even if nothing uses /dev/fd/ in
d-i (other than here) it seems wrong to simply ignore the fact that it's
missing, since people might well try to use it in preseed scripts etc.

Cheers, Phil.
|)|  Philip Hands  [+44 (0)20 8530 9560]  HANDS.COM Ltd.
|(|  Hugo-Klemm-Strasse 34,   21075 Hamburg,    GERMANY

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