On Sun, May 10, 2020 at 07:38:08AM +0530, Arvind IK Chari wrote:
> Hi,
> I wish to create a custom Debian installer where only the Video driver
> used is not the default one- it should be the Via Unichrome Driver
> (my Video card is a Via Chrome9 IGP- for this card the Linux Unichrome
> driver is available.)
> I understand that I can build my own custom Linux Debian Distro-
> but how do I get the list of packages which are part of the default
> XFCE Distro- and then make a single change to install the Via Driver
> instead of the default Video driver?
> Any help would be appreciated.

Start.  Yes, just start.
Take the existing sources of debian-installer and build d-i.
It is documented at https://wiki.debian.org/DebianInstaller

Now you have something that is build before.
Next step is making changing and rebuild.

> Thanks and sincerely,
> Arvind.

Geert Stappers
Silence is hard to parse

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