On Thu, Apr 16, 2020 at 08:50:42PM +0200, Bernhard Brandt wrote:
> Dear ladies and gentlemen,
> I want just to report the following bug. If this is not the right adress
> please elongate this to the right specialist.
> After installation of Debian via DVD debian-10.3.0-amd64-DVD-1.iso under
> virtual box 6.0.20 (windows 10 rev 1909) with the vbox extension pack I
> received a black screen starting it.
> The change of same parameters (i.e. simulated grafic card, more grafic ram,
> boost options, virtual hdisk type) did not change anything.
> There was access to load debian software as kde files during the debian
> installation.
> After installation of linuxmint on the very same virtualbox there was no
> problem.
> So it had to do with the installation media of debian.

Yes, that is one possibility. Another possibility is how linuxmint
copes with the virtualbox hardware. (I'm thinking fiercy versus lazy
hardware checks, but can't tell). And there is a thrid option I think
about: Could nested virtualisation the cullprit?

> So may this helps. I am still interesting to explore debian.

Reporting breakage is indeed helpfull.

Yes, do explore Debian.  What about another install in VBox?
This time an installation that doesn't install KDE during install.
(Install KDE later on)

For feedback there is 
and https://www.debian.org/releases/stable/amd64/apas04.en.html for
succes stories.

Geert Stappers
Silence is hard to parse

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