
Matthias Zillmer <mzill...@alice-dsl.net> wrote:
> Hello,
> I have run Debian 8 on my (only 13 years old) desktop computer for years 
> (Fujitsu Siemens Esprimo E5615) which uses a build-in (on the mainboard) 
> graphics card Nvidia C51PV.
> I have installed now Debian 9.0.12 without problems. Thanks to the installer 
> developers !
> I did not succeed to install Debian 10 with 3 different CD/DVD iso images 
> (Xfce CD1, XfCE DVD1, firmware DVD).
> Each time after choosing one of the options, for example 'graphical expert 
> install' the screen is black/blank and nothing happens.
> Could you please fix the installer images so that it works with older 
> hardware ?
> I cannot change the graphics card easily because the PC is low form factor.
> What can I do to install Debian 10 without buying new hardware ?

Maybe it's not perfect (we should support that hardware for installation
as well), but if you have Debian 9 installed, you can just upgrade to Debian 10
with apt mechanism. There's no strict reason to perform a complete new
installation in such case.


Holger Wansing <hwans...@mailbox.org>
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