On 3/18/2020 3:44 PM, Ben Hutchings wrote:
> On Wed, 2020-03-18 at 11:27 +0100, john doe wrote:
>> Package: debian-installer
>> Version: debian-10.3.0-amd64-netinst.iso
>> After installing debian-10.3.0-amd64-netinst.iso with encrypted LVM, the
>> crypttab file is populated with the discard' option in the fourth field.
>> According to (1), the discard option has security implication:
>> "discard
>> Allow discard requests to be passed through the encrypted block device.
>> This improves performance on SSD storage but has security implications."
> As I recall, the security implication is a minor information leak - it
> makes it possible to determine how much, and which parts, of the disk
> are used.  Hardly anyone should care about that, so this is a
> reasonable defualt.

Reading (1), I don't see that has a reasonable default.

You clearly need to understand when to use this flag.

1)  http://asalor.blogspot.com/2011/08/trim-dm-crypt-problems.html

> Ben.
>> I would suggest that the debian-installer populates the first two
>> mandatory fields of '/etc/crypttab'.

Changing 'luks,discard' to 'key-slot=0' would be more appropriate.

John Doe

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