Holger Wansing wrote:
> Justin B Rye <justin.byam....@gmail.com> wrote:
>> In other words 
>>   You can select the priority of question you want to see:
>>    - 'critical': only questions that are essential for a successful 
>> installation
>>    - 'high': also questions for which the default often needs to be changed
>>    - 'medium': also questions for which the default sometimes needs to be 
>> changed
>>    - 'low': all questions, even if the default only rarely needs to be 
>> changed
>> Or perhaps putting some words back in:
>>   Please select the questions you want to be shown by priority level:
>>    * "critical": only show questions that are essential for a successful 
>> installation;
>>    * "high": also show questions for which the default often needs to be 
>> changed;
>>    * "medium": also show questions for which the default sometimes needs to 
>> be changed;
>>    * "low": show all questions, even if the default only rarely needs to be 
>> changed.
> What worries me here is, that the description for high, medium and low only 
> differs
> in just ONE word/term ("often", "sometimes", "only rarely").
> I fear that users might get overstrained with finding the difference within 
> the
> lines... ?

I don't know about you, but for me it's easier to find important
differences when everything else stays constant than when they're
hidden among various unimportant differences.
>> Some alternatives that people might like more than I do:
>>   Please select the cutoff level for questions that you want to be asked:
>>    * "critical": only show questions that always require user attention;
>>    * "high": also show ones for which the default often needs changing;
>>    * "medium": also show ones for which the default sometimes needs changing;
>>    * "low": show all questions, even if the default only rarely needs 
>> changing.
>>>> "For example, this question is of medium priority, and if your priority 
>>>> were "
>>>> "already 'high' or 'critical', you wouldn't see this question."
>> [...]
>>>> For example, this question is of medium priority, and if your actual 
>>>> priority
>>>> would be 'high' or 'critical', you wouldn't see this question.
>> (I think that's a false-friend use of "actual". and it's definitely an
>> unidiomatic "would", though personally I wouldn't use "were" either.)
>> I don't like this idea that it's "my" priority that's "high".  It
>> isn't even the installer's priority - it's the degree of filtering
>> applied to questions in *terms* of priority, and that's a horrible
>> thing to have to explain concisely.  Maybe we can just say:
>>     For example, this question is of medium priority, so if you had chosen 
>> to see
>>     only questions of 'high' or 'critical' priority, it wouldn't be shown.
> That sounds good to me.

(Oh, would it be more consistent to put "medium" in quotes too?  How
are translators going to handle this?)
JBR     with qualifications in linguistics, experience as a Debian
        sysadmin, and probably no clue about this particular package

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