Control: tags -1 + pending Samuel Thibault, le lun. 18 nov. 2019 22:39:48 +0100, a ecrit: > Samuel Thibault, le mer. 13 nov. 2019 00:12:50 +0100, a ecrit: > > I have significantly reworked and simplified the patch: > > I have modified it a bit to fix the "directory" value in the manual > configuration, which should be /debian-ports/ > > That is useful for the case when there is no mirror for the ports > architecture (which is e.g. the case for hurd-i386 ATM). > > I could test it with success on hurd-i386 with a mirror for the arch, > on hurd-i386 without a mirror for the arch, and on linux-amd64 (thus > non-port), it behave fine. > > Any red flag before I commit?
I have now commited it. Samuel