On Wed, 2 Oct 2019 at 15:56, Fred Boiteux <fbp...@free.fr> wrote: > When launching the install of a Debian Buster 10.1 on a VM with a small > memory footprint (512Mb), I get a warning from the Debian installer > about entering in low-memory mode. I would like to have a > non-interactive installation using a preseed file, but I didn't found > how to avoid this warning which blocks installation until I manually > validates the message in console. I've digged on Internet, and tried > following preseed paragraph, without success : > > d-i lowmem/low note > > Does someone can tell me which sentence is supposed to be used in > preseed file to skip this manual validation ?
Hi Fred I do not know the answer, but I can tell you what I would try: d-i lowmem/low boolean true d-i lowmem/insufficient boolean true You can see the sentences in the code here: https://sources.debian.org/src/lowmem/1.47/debian/lowmemcheck.templates/ I showed "true" as an example. But I can't know if you need "true" or "false" because it depends which button in the dialog is the one you want. Also I don't know if you need one, or both lines, because you did not provide the exact text of the message. Please reply to advise if you have success or failure.