Hello g4jht, have you gotten any response on this topic ?  I am quite
interested.  My question is Debian related in that I am trying to build a
bootable memory stick to drop a Debian system onto an old Macintosh
laptop.  I do not know what the command or command sequence is to transfer
the system into a(ny arbitrary) memory device and make it a bootable
system.  An answer to you is an answer for me too.  Thank you.


On Sat, Sep 28, 2019 at 08:36 g4jht <g4...@eircom.net> wrote:

> Hi, I am sending this to you guys in a sort of last resort desperation.
>   As it only relates to Debian as that is my current build environment.
> Help Please.
> My problem how to build a bootable iso image file (not of Debian)
> I have an iso file [for an early version of UNIX (x86_32 code)].  I have
> stripped the files into a directory, then copied them (via tar)  into my
> iso build directory, made my modifications I am OK up to that point.
> My Question is:
> How do I create a new bootable iso image file from my build directory
> ready for burning onto a DVD.
> I tried just burning the build directory tree but did not boot (I
> suspected as much but did it anyway).
> I am obviously missing as step maybe tools. target is a 486 bare machine
> and a P6 machine in both cases without an O/S, what on the DVD will
> eventually end up on the HD, once the DVD "works".
> Any help appreciated, and I know this sort of an oddball question.
> [please CC me directly with your solution, thank you.
> regards, Dave :-) (Ps not a newbie).

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