Geert Stappers <> writes:

> On Fri, Sep 27, 2019 at 05:19:06PM -0400, Daniel wrote:
>> Holger Wansing wrote:
>> > The debian-installer supports similar use case via the "separate
>> > partition for /home" approach.
>> to reinstall Debian on top of itself without overwriting the home partition.
> Yes, that is what Holger is telling.

I think Daniel is requesting an option that does something like this:

  find /install-target -maxdepth 1 | grep -v 'home\|lost+found' | xargs rm -rf

Maybe this way isn't robust enough, but active mounts shouldn't have
their mount points removed, because

  rm: cannot remove '/install-target/foo': Device or resource busy

BTW, Daniel, you can decruft your system with "apt purge --autoremove
foo", which also deletes config in /etc and will notify you if any files
remain in /var.  One of the greatest strengths of Debian is that unlike
other operating systems, smooth upgrades between stable versions are
taken seriously...gravely one never needs to reinstall.
The only things that I've seen that have ever required action are
packages that needed manual configuration updates in /etc (equally
solvable by apt purge), and obsolete/broken configuration in /home/user
(not solved if this feature request is implemented).  What problem is
this feature request intended to solve?  FrankenDebian?


P.S. apt install installation-birthday  :-)

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