Holger Wansing, le mer. 14 août 2019 22:33:11 +0200, a ecrit:
> I wonder what dhcp-client(s) is/are used in d-i.
> I stumbled over this message in netcfg:
> msgid "No DHCP client was found. This package requires pump or dhcp-client."

D'oh :)

> And the debian/control file does not list any dhcp client package
> other than    
>       isc-dhcp-client-udeb [kfreebsd-any hurd-any]

        wide-dhcpv6-client-udeb [linux-any]

> Or - as an alternative way - should we change the above string to 
> something generic like
> msgid "No DHCP client was found. Please make sure that a dhcp client 
> package is installed."

Perhaps the wording could also be fixed into "a dhcp installer
component", to be coherent with the "Load installer components" menu?


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