[Adding debian-boot, kibi, steve to the loop]


Paul Gevers <elb...@debian.org> wrote:
> Hi Holger,
> We're getting closer and closer to the release of buster. We can't
> properly release without the installation guide and the Debian-installer
> release notes. To see where we stand on this front, I am asking you what
> the status is of those documents. And just to state the obvious, they
> don't need to be finished now, but we'd like to know if these documents
> would become an issue if we would release in a month from now.

First, I wonder why you ask personally me for this. 
Why not ask the debian-boot team?
I am acting as i18n coordinator for the installer, however that does not
strictly include reponsibility for the original (English) content of those

Second: now that you have asked, the installation-guide should be mostly 
release-ready; one can consider an exception here, which is Secure Boot.
This functionality has been added in a last minute rush into the installer,
and thus is not properly documented in the installation-guide.
However, the guide is still release-ready despite this, if you ask me.

When it comes to the release-notes, I mailed a short proposal for this to
debian-boot weeks ago, but got no answer.
And I already pointed you to this mail some days ago.

So, let's see if debian-boot core team provides some opinion here...

(Note: due to moving my home to another city, I will be cut of from powerful 
internet connection within the next days, reducing my activity to smartphone
capabilities, so expect low responsibility during next weeks.)

So long

Holger Wansing <hwans...@mailbox.org>
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