Control: Reassign -1 cdebconf-gtk-udeb

積丹尼 Dan Jacobson, le dim. 14 avril 2019 01:34:04 +0800, a ecrit:
>   Name: partman-crypto/progress/plain_erase_text
>   Type: text
>   Description: The installer is now overwriting ${DEVICE} with zeroes to 
> delete its previous contents. This step may be skipped by cancelling this 
> action.
> it didn't fully fit in its window, so people couldn't see the last part
> of the sentence.

Indeed, on progress-bar screens the text below the scroll bar is display
only on one line, so if it's long it is cut. The newt-based cdebconf
shows the text on several lines so it doesn't have the issue. The gtk
version should be fixed to display the text on several lines.


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