Control: tags -1 + unreproducible Hello,
Samuel Thibault, le mar. 05 févr. 2019 05:43:39 +0100, a ecrit: > Fran Torres, le mar. 05 févr. 2019 00:56:01 +0100, a ecrit: > > Also, the speakup screen reader crash on > > random form during installation (unrecoberable crash) and after > > installation, during locales with: dpkg-reconfigure locales. > > I guess that was with the Catalan language choice? I tried to install alpha5 with Catalan and speech synthesis, all other options let to default, except the list of tasks, for which I only requested the "standard" task, it worked just fine. So I don't know how to reproduce this issue, please provide more details on how you proceeded with the installation. Samuel