I install buster alpha10 from a medium i have used successfully 2 or 3
times before.
The installation is on a x86_64 system and the installation runs
smoothly. At the end, the grub hangs with
grub install on /dev/sdb (sdb is my harddrive)
I find on one of the terminals (alt-F4?) information which is repeated
over and over:
xx not initialized in udev database
and xx cycles through all partitions (especially the LVM partitions). I
had setup the LVM before starting the installer and just selected three
LVM partitions for / /home and swap. There was nothing irregular
observed about the LVM system.
Starting the system with another OS (stretch) and running update-grub
and grub-install shows the new deb10 buster installation. However,
trying to start the new installed system hangs then with
running /scripts/local-block
and fails.
Is there a method to avoid this problem? A step to correct the error
without restarting the full installation procedure?
em.o.Univ.Prof. Dr. sc.techn. Dr. h.c. Andrew U. Frank
Geoinformation, TU Wien +43 1 58801 12700 office
Gusshausstr. 27-29 +43 1 55801 12799 fax
1040 Wien Austria
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1040 Wien Austria +43 676 419 25 72 mobil