
I was trying to download the netboot image for amd64,
because the one I have (2018-12-06) has a segfault in libc6.

The link on the installer team page
for the _netinst_ image points at


and it seems to download fine.

When I mount the iso image, README.txt says the version is
Debian GNU/Linux buster-DI-alpha4 "Buster" - Official Snapshot amd64
NETINST 20181206-23:37

So the same date as the netinst image. uh-oh.

The links for "other images" like netboot point at


which was also last updated on 2018 Dec 6th,
acoording to boot-screens/f1.txt

Are we sure all the images are in sync?
I have faith in Steve's team but thought I should ask all the same.
Is there a way to check the _netboot_ image is from the same
set of sources as the _netinst_ ?

FWIW the mirror I configured was ftp.au.debian.org.
I tried deb.debian.org also, which used cdn-fastly.deb.debian.org.
Both had the same result.

Assuming they are, I will try to figure out how to report the
segfault. Once I hit it, the shell stops working...

Kind regards

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