Holger Wansing, le dim. 30 sept. 2018 20:18:32 +0200, a ecrit:
> Miguel Figueiredo <el...@debianpt.org> wrote:
> > on 1.x add What is the Debian Installer (purpose and scope of the
> > installer)
> I would like to apply the below patch from Miguel, if noone objects:
> <title>What is the Debian Installer?</title>

No objection from me, I even thought such a section was already there :)


> <para>
> Debian Installer, also known as "d-i", is the software system to install 
> a basic working Debian system. A wide range of hardware such as
> embedded devices, laptops, desktops and server machines is supported and a
> large set of free software for many purposes is offered.
> </para><para>
> The installation is conducted by answering a basic set of questions.
> Also available are an expert mode that allows to control every aspect of 
> the installation and an advanced feature to perform automated installations.
> The installed system can be used as is or further customized.
> The installation can be performed from a multitude of sources: USB,
> CD/DVD/Blue Ray or the network.
> </para><para>
> The installer goes back to the boot-floppies project, and it was 
> <ulink url="http://lists.debian.org/debian-boot/2000/06/msg00279.html";>first 
> mentioned</ulink> by Joey Hess in 2000 [1]. Since then the installation 
> system 
> has been continuously developed by volunteers improving and adding more 
> features.
> </para><para>
> More information can be found on the <ulink 
> url="http://www.debian.org/devel/debian-installer/";>Debian Installer page
> </ulink>, on the <ulink url="http://wiki.debian.org/DebianInstalle";>Wiki
> </ulink> and on the <ulink url="http://lists.debian.org/debian-boot/";>
> debian-boot mailing list</ulink>.
> </para>
>  </sect1>
> -- 
> Holger Wansing <hwans...@mailbox.org>
> PGP-Finterprint: 496A C6E8 1442 4B34 8508  3529 59F1 87CA 156E B076

 Les roots ne sont plus ce qu'ils étaient...Maintenant il sont dioxinés,
 c'est de la m... ! Avant on les élevaient avec du bon unix mais ça été
 remplacé par des farines industrielles nouvelles technologies (NT).
 -+- JdK in NPC : Exigez un root élevé sous la mère ! -+-

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