Control: tags -1 + wontfix

> Subject: Problem in hppa.xml
> Date: Monday 10 May 2004 03:52
> From: "Bruno Barrera C." <>
> To:
> Hello,
> Reading
> "installer/doc/manual/en/partitioning/partition/hppa.xml" I found this:
> "This is where the boot loader and an optional kernel
> and RAMdisk will be stored, so make it big enough for that -- at least
> 4Mb (I like 8-16Mb).  An additional requirement of the firmware is that
> the Linux kernel must reside within the first 2GB of the disk.  This
> is typically achieved by making the root ext2 partition fit entirely
> within the first 2GB of the disk. Alternatively you can create a small
> ext2 partition near the start of the disk and mount that on..."
> Really this needs to be an ext2 partition? Isn't an anachronism
> about when the debian kernels didn't use initrd to load the driver
> of the filesystem, required to mount the root filesystem?

Since hppa is not a release architecture for years, I'm tagging this bug
as wont-fix

Holger Wansing <>
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