Control: tags -1 + patch
Control: forwarded -1

Dear tasksel maintainers,

I have prepared a patch (Merge Request) on Debian Salsa to solve this bug.
Please review it and merge it if you find it acceptable.

The d-i package (user-setup) is no longer using kdesudo thus this dependency can
be removed safely.

Boyuan Yang

On Thu, 28 Jun 2018 10:35:42 +0800 Boyuan Yang <> wrote:
> Source: tasksel
> Version: 3.44
> Severity: important
> X-Debbugs-CC:
> Dear d-i developers and tasksel maintainers,
> Package "kdesudo" has been removed in Debian since September 2017.
> Tasksel still recommends non-existent "kdesudo" in task-kde-desktop. Please 
> consider removing this entry from "Recommends: " field.
> However, I noticed the following lines in debian/control:
> ================
> Package: task-kde-desktop
> Architecture: all
> Description: KDE
>  This task package is used to install the Debian desktop, featuring
>  the KDE desktop environment, and with other packages
>  that Debian users
>  expect to have available on the desktop.
> Depends: ${misc:Depends}, 
>       task-desktop,
>       kde-standard,
>       sddm,
> Recommends:
> [...]

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