
On Wed, 11 Apr 2018 13:06:22 +0200
Clément Hermann <nod...@nodens.org> wrote:
> I had a look today. It looks good to me, at first glance I had concerns
> (like using hash keys in boolean context without the exists function),
> but everytime I checked further, it looked fine in context. That for the
> perl part.
> Other than that, if I may give my opinion, the commit messages make the
> patches pretty self explanatory, and the portability concerns are
> adressed (you still need grep -E but busybox can provide it, if your
> grep doesn't implement it). The changes make perfect sense and the
> performance boost is impresssive.
> Barring any concern from someone more knowledgeable, I would definitely
> apply this :)

 Thanks for your check! :)
 And yes, performance improvement is so attractive for us.

 First review seems to be good status. And of course, more people
 are also welcome.


 Hideki Yamane     henrich @ debian.org/iijmio-mail.jp

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