On 01/08/2018 04:49 AM, Hermann Lauer wrote:
On Tue, Dec 26, 2017 at 05:13:26PM +0100, Loys Ollivier wrote:
I would like to build a custom debian-installer. The reason being, this
arm64 platform has a custom PHY that I need to enable in the kernel to get
network access.
I built the kernel and version is:
>From that kernel deb package. How can I build the debian installer ? The
documentation mentions udeb files that I don't have. Also, I don't know how
to specify the target arch: arm64.
another idea: Boot a custom kernel which needs no modules from the installer
(i.e. everthing needed for installation compiled in), then install
during the installation the proper kernel dpkg.
Good luck,
I've been following this thread because I'm considering creating a
custom installer, focusing more on builtin option choices rather on a
custom kernel.
Hermann's post suggests that my peculiar installer is doable.
I don't understand the mechanics of Hermann's answer. I suspect there is
a critical gap in my reading.
What should I have read? Perhaps that will lead to further reading &/or
allow me to ask answerable questions?