> You redacted your link-local address to be dead:beef::. I suppose what
> you actually mean is one with a fe80:: prefix? (I.e. it'd have been more
> helpful to redact the MAC/actual address.)

No, the scenario this came from is the following:
A server with a public ipv6 address,
A vm on this server with another public ipv6 address,
connected to the outside via a bridge on the server.
ip link add br0 type bridge
ip address add fe80::1 dev br0
ip link set dev br0 up
ip rourte add dead:beef:aaaa:aaaa::1/68 dev br0
set up with virt-manager to use bridge br0
ip a add dead:beef:aaaa:aaaa::1 dev eth0
ip l set dev eth0 up
ip r add default via fe80::1 dev eth0

So fe80::1%eth0 is the address of the bridge seen from the vm,
the redacted address is my vms public ipv6 address.

I admit, not the simplest test setup, but this has no influence
on netcfg not accepting <address>%<zone_id> type addresses


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