Hi there,

I'm not sure whether I should ask that question here or not, that is why correct me if not.
Main problem: We(i and collegues) created custom debian repo and uploaded a number of packages(control stuff like postinstall was written by me). The idea is to load and install that packages during the installation of OS(Debian 9) via preseed.cfg. If i install that packages on already installed OS - everything is ok, however when they installed with the help of preseed file - services of these programs are not running(not enabled and not active) after reboot into newly instaled OS.
I've tried both notation of preseed to install the packages:
1) d-i preseed/late_command string apt-install profinet-ui
2) d-i pkgsel/include string profinet-ui
but neither works (packages get installed, however servecies didn't run).
Sample postinstall scipt:

set -e

deb-systemd-helper unmask profinet-ui.service >/dev/null || true

if deb-systemd-helper --quiet was-enabled profinet-ui.service; then
    deb-systemd-invoke enable profinet-ui.service >/dev/null || true
    deb-systemd-helper update-state profinet-ui.service >/dev/null || true

if [ -d /run/systemd/system ]; then
    systemctl --system daemon-reload >/dev/null || true
    deb-systemd-invoke start profinet-ui.service >/dev/null || exit $?
I also tried to substitute deb-systemd-invoke with deb-systemd-helper, but that didn't work for me too. Finally the problem was solwed by using systemctl instead of deb-systemd​-*. But i'm still interested why it didn't work?
Second question: why could I prefere to use deb-systemd-invoke instead of deb-systemd-helper? Both of them are using systemctl. As I got, the main difference is that deb-systemd-invoke starts servecies respecting policy-rc.d. On the other side deb-systemd-helper has a bit more functionality but without respect to policy-rc.d. ​

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