Thanks Julius, your solution helped me, but I ran across one small issue
when using this for a PXE install: the swap lvm from that volume group was
in use by Debian.

I added a swapoff command to yours:

swapoff "/dev/$vg/swap"

I doubt all LVMs for swap are named "swap", it was the name for me.

The final command:

d-i partman/early_command string sh -c 'set -- $(vgs --rows --noheadings |
head -n 1); for vg in "$@"; do swapoff "/dev/$vg/swap"; vgremove -f "$vg";
done; set -- $(pvs --rows --noheadings | head -n 1); for pv in "$@"; do
pvremove -f "$pv"; done'


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