Control: tag -1 - d-i

Hi David,

David H. Gutteridge <> (2017-06-18):
> I encountered a reproducible kernel panic during the disk encryption
> process where the disk is first overwritten with random data. The
> workaround was to not select the overwriting option. Avoiding that led
> to a successful install, and there haven't been any subsequent panics
> (of any sort) with the actual installation. (I wasn't able to get a log
> of the panic, but I do have a photo of the screen that shows most of
> it.)

It'd be nice to share it please.

> The GUI installer was unusable as the pointer from trackpad wouldn't
> work properly, it constantly jumped around the screen at the slightest
> touch. Note that this isn't an issue with the actual installed desktop
> (Gnome 3), it was only a problem with the GUI installer. I switched to
> the text-based installer to work around this.

We only have a couple of drivers in the installer, that might explain
the difference here.

> (Sorry about the delayed report, I simply haven't had time to get
> around to it until now. I doubt anyone will be too concerned about the
> hardware specifics, but this panic may occur for someone else. The
> laptop in question is basically being used as a demonstration that
> something that old can still be usable and as an introduction to
> FOSS.)

(No worries, it's still nice to have reports coming in, even for earlier


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