Tianon Gravi <tia...@debian.org> (2017-06-13):
> On 13 June 2017 at 12:16, christophe blamart <cblam...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Subject: debootstrap --variant=minbase don't install apt-get on chroot
> I'm not a debootstrap maintainer, but just to clarify, are you asking
> that debootstrap _not_ install "apt-get", or reporting a bug that you
> used it and it _didn't_?
> If the latter, you'll probably want to include some steps to reproduce
> (because I use "--variant=minbase" quite heavily, and it does include
> "apt-get" every time).

Yeah, it's quite unclear… Too bad the questions in the reportbug
template weren't answered…


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