
Jose R R <j...@metztli-it.com> (2017-03-29):
> With all due respect, 99% of the build code for the debian-installer
> is yours. As well as the build pulls 99% UDEBs from official debian
> repositories.

That doesn't mean that everything built on top of it has to be reported
on Debian mailing lists and bug tracker. See derivative distributions,
they have their own issue tracker, and only forward specific issues.

> i.e., this is a Debian issue, not mine -- as I did not even touch that
> code and/or modules -- which 1 month ago actually did work smooth:
> Netboot debian-installer was unable to load firmware from second USB
> for wifi connection; accordingly, in another virtual screen, I mounted
> the 2nd USB and manually copied the firmware directory onto the
> installer environment /lib. d-i then detected the wifi signal, etc.
> Second, report on this unofficial jessie-backports kernel
> 4.9.16-1+reiser4.0.1 sheds light on the fact I experienced *no issue*
> with module i915, as had been reported by (maintainer?): <
> https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=858078 > thus, in a
> collateral manner, I am contributing to official debian development.

If you want to reply to submitters/maintainers, reply to specific bug
reports/threads, instead of sending lengthy mails to other people?

> Finally, I am not requesting *any* support. I am simply reporting that
> your d-i pulling official UDEBs actually have been successful, with
> minor modifications and a few extra UDEBs of mine, in my installation
> experience, following Debian documentation guidelines:

I haven't put words in your mouth and suggested you were requesting some
support. I'm just not convinced such reports are useful. If you
encounter specific issues, report specific bug reports against the
relevant component.

debian-boot@ isn't and shouldn't be the destination of each and every
thing connected to, or merely using, Debian Installer.

> "We also encourage installation reports to be sent even if the
> installation is successful, so that we can get as much information as
> possible on the largest number of hardware configurations." <
> https://www.debian.org/releases/stable/amd64/ch05s04.html.en#submit-bug
> >

Sure, with official images.

> If you are still 'bothered' with my sporadic submissions, I encourage
> you to modify the documentation to specifically exclude the glaring
> omission.

I could be adding a specific “we don't need reiser4-specific reports”
there, but I would hope this isn't needed, since the only submitter of
such reports against images we don't build, publish, or support, seems
to be you.

Thanks for your cooperation.


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