On Tue, Mar 21, 2017 at 12:31:46AM +0100, Adam Borowski wrote:

> If you're booting from a SD card, skip until running sd-fusing.sh
> Edit sd_fusing.sh, change sector numbers to those listed in


> Run:
> .----
> ./sd-fusing.sh /dev/mmcblk0boot0
> `----


Hyphen or underscore

> what doesn't work
> -----------------
> * rebooting: the machine gets stuck and needs to be physically power-cycled
> * audio
> * the kernel whines about broken HDMI, video capture -- I can't even test
>   those but I don't care

Please add   'Whoever can test HDMI, please report your milage'

> * the machine gets very hot; with 3.8 it never was even noticeably warm

What does mean: Kernel 3.8 is good  or bad?  Please remove ambigous mean

Geert Stappers

Thank you Adam.
Leven en laten leven

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