OK, I do understand you point, but my problem is that I have been hired as
a cunsultant to set up PXE boot with preseed to install different linux
dists, and I can not put a wwid that I don't know into the preseed file,
but have to use the friendly name.

This works fine with ubuntu, but not with debian, because you wont apply
the patch.

For jessie I had to create 2 custom udebs, and It seems to be the same
waste of time is needed for stretch.

I really dont understand why multipath is part of the debian installer when
it is a well known fact that the disk-detect, multipath and
partman-multipath udebs can not work together.

Best regards
Allan Jacobsen

2017-01-27 9:47 GMT+01:00 Ritesh Raj Sarraf <r...@debian.org>:

> Hash: SHA512
> On Fri, 2017-01-27 at 08:23 +0100, Allan Jacobsen wrote:
> > I understand your point, but the multipath-tools is full of code for
> friendly
> > names, so what you are actually doing is making sure multipath will not
> work
> > with the stock debian installer, forcing people like me to create our own
> > install media, which i don't think is in the best interest of debian as
> an
> > organisation that want to be the universal operating system.
> No. That is wrong conclusion.
> What I'm saying is that user_friendly_names has had issues in the past.
> Today,
> they still have the burden of, when used, to ensure that the binding file
> is
> propagated and remains up-to-date. Eg. initrd, cluster setups.
> Device names based on wwid are unique and persistent.
> What we are doing is just making a recommendation of Best Practices. Each
> feature has its merits and drawbacks.
> - --
> Ritesh Raj Sarraf | http://people.debian.org/~rrs
> Debian - The Universal Operating System
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> =sgh+

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