Hello, Please remember that the submitter is *not* mailed when n...@bugs.debian.org is mailed. I just happen to be subscribed to d-b@...
Roger Lynn, on Sat 21 Jan 2017 21:50:18 +0000, wrote: > On 16/01/17 22:00, Samuel Thibault wrote: > > partman-md doesn't warn when disks to be used for RAID are partitioned > > with GPT without a bios boot partition for embedding (and I haven't seen > > documentation about the issue in the installer manual). > > Is this the same problem that was reported in installation-report bug > #768624 "grub core.img won't fit in the embedding area which is required for > LVM"? It doesnt look so: "It won't fit in the embedding area.", I'm not getting this message: I don't even have an embedding area with the GPT partition. Samuel