Alex ARNAUD, on Sat 21 Jan 2017 18:07:13 +0100, wrote:
> >If you wish or need to add any boot parameters for either the installer
> >or the kernel, press Tab (BIOS boot), or 'e' then down arrow three times
> >then 'end' (UEFI boot). This will bring the boot command for the selected
> >menu entry and allow you to edit it to suit your needs. The help screens
> >(see below) list some common possible options. Press 'Enter' (BIOS boot)
> >or 'F10' (UEFI boot) to boot the installer with your options; pressing Esc
> >will return you to the boot menu and undo any changes you made.
> >ยป
> >
> >Is this enough for your needs?
> I'm not able to confirm that the instructions you have provided work for me.
> My test environment is a Virtualbox (5.1) machine with EFI enabled.
> I have executed the following steps :
> 1) Pressing "e"
> 2) Pressing the "end" key

As said above, you need down arrow three times between 'e' and 'end'.


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