
Christian PERRIER <bubu...@debian.org> wrote:
> For the record: this is likely to be related to recent changes in D-I
> manual builds.....(it happened the last 2 or 3 days, if I remember correctly)

I wondered when such mails will arrive :-)

1. I don't know what Dillon does. What is the target for those builds?
   There are several places, where packages are build apparently.
   (jenkins, the reproducible builds, dillon, ...)
   I am lacking knowledge about all this.
   Could someone put a light on that for me, please?

2. Maybe it would make to sense, to sent the above mails to me, too?

3. I wonder why the pdf builds don't here? :-) 
   The builds for http://d-i.alioth.debian.org/manual/ are fine.
   While on dillon and on jenkins they fail. There are some new build depends
   now (dblatex and some fonts). They are defined in control file. Is there
   some more work needed somewhere?

   Looking at jenkins, probably there is some update for the job needed?
   I see: 
        non_pdf_langs = [

   This is no longer true.
   And in section
        pkgs = """

   there is dblatex missing, at least.
   But wait, that's not the build depends for the manual. ???
   Ok, I don't understand that.
   Putting Holger Levsen in CC, I think he knows better.

> ----- Forwarded message from Cron Daemon <r...@dillon.debian.org> -----
> Date: Thu, 29 Dec 2016 23:04:44 +0000
> From: Cron Daemon <r...@dillon.debian.org>
> To: bubu...@dillon.debian.org, k...@dillon.debian.org
> Subject: Cron <d-i@dillon> cd $DI/manual && svn -q up ; cd build && 
> destination=$WWW/manual ./build.sh >/dev/null ; ~/bin/push-www
> X-CRM114-Status: Good  ( pR: 12.6274 )
> Error: build of pdf failed because of missing build dependencies
> Error: (make sure you have ghostscript and dblatex installed for PDF builds)
> make: *** [en.i386] Error 2
> ----- End forwarded message -----
> -- 

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