reassign 847056
forcemerge 847056 842630

Quoting Christian Iversen (
> Package: debian-installer
> Severity: normal
> Tags: l10n d-i
> Hello d-i, et al
> I live in Denmark, but almost always set up servers in english, to make
> collaboration easier.
> This means the en_DK.utf-8 locale is my preferred choice.
> However, I can no longer (I believe it broke in jessie, perhaps before) select
> it in the installer.
> I select "English", then "Europe" then "Copenhagen", and I am told that there
> is no locale available for my combination of choices. This is, of course,
> wrong.
> I then have to either fix up the system later, go through expert install, or
> increase debconf priority (a trick I just learned today).
> Why the bug happens, I'm not quite sure, but I have a suspicion. Denmark is 
> one
> of the few countries in the world, where the language and country codes do not
> align (language: "da", country: "dk"). Perhaps the installer is checking the
> wrong one of these?
> Let me know how I can help!

This is indeed bug #842630 (sort of). Please also notice that, last
time I checked, the en_DK locale is only meant to be a kind of proof of
concept and historical stuff by locales' upstream and not something
that should be in production (otherwise we would have as many en_*
locales as there are countries in the world.).

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