boot-installer/x86.xml:310-311: <informalexample><screen> Installer boot menu the heading is "&debian-gnu; installer boot menu" in stretch installer
boot-installer/arm.xml:93-94: The console config is not correctly detected on Juno so just hitting return will show no kernel output. Set the console to maybe s/return/&enterkey;/? boot-installer/arm.xml:96: as described in (<xref linkend="arm64-console-setup"/>). using () as such looks strange; (as ...) works, though boot-installer/arm.xml:183:246 follwing +o preparing/bios-setup/powerpc.xml:98 Save the level of the existing firmware before really updating. In ASM, in the system menu, click <command>Service Aids ??? Service Processor Command Line</command>, and run the following command: where ??? is right-arrow (multi-byte character is used) in the original; should be like "->" preparing/bios-setup/powerpc.xml:105 Download the .img file of the level of firmware to be updated to a location in the host filesystem. Refer to IBM Fix Central for downloading the image file. should probably point (the string links there in the orig) -- victory no need to CC me :-)