Hi, I did apt-get source debian-installer and was told to download the
debian-installer from git so I did this. Then I tried to do a demo
build of the GTK target and it failed with unable to create directories
in /tmp and things not existing. I then went to the debian-installer
wiki pages and was told there to checkout the subversion sources then
use mr to murge in the git changes. My question is what is the correct
method for checking out and building the debian-installer after
installing the build dependencies using apt-get build-dep
debian-installer as I think the README file and the wiki pages should
all have the the same information and not two different sets of
directions on two different pages? Nick Gawronski
- proper method for getting the source for the debian-install... Nick Gawronski
- Re: proper method for getting the source for the debia... Geert Stappers