
And thanks for your work on this.

Ole Streicher <oleb...@debian.org> (2016-04-06):
> Control: reassign -1 src:blends
> Control: tag -1 pending
> I have created the package mentioned in my last mail in the blends git
> repository:
> https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/blends/blends.git/
> Package: blends-tasks
> Architecture: all
> Priority: important
> Section: misc
> Depends: tasksel
> Description: Debian Pure Blends tasks for new installations
>  This package installs a choice of a default installation for each
>  Debian Pure Blend when run from the Debian installer. The
>  installation includes the tasks package of the blend, so a subsequent
>  invocation of tasksel enables the choice of individual tasks.
>  .
>  The package is intended to be installed in the base system. Later
>  (un)installation is harmless, but has no effect.
> I will upload the package at the weekend if there is no further
> discussion on this.

I'm not sure how reasonable it is to have such a long list of meta
packages in the installer. See attached tasksel-gtk-greyscale.png for
the initial display with the graphical installer, and attached
tasksel-text-greyscale.png for the text mode installer.

Also, not sure about the (lack of) ordering in Debian Pure Blends.
The Debian desktop environment submenu might be considered a bit special
(esp. after the default desktop changes…), but I don't see why the DPB
one should be unsorted. (See attached tasksel-unsorted-greyscale.png)

[ All images greyscaled to get this mail a chance to reach BTS+list. ]


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