[ please CC me, I am not subscribed to debian-boot@ ] Ohai,
[1] one should use the Stretch Alpha 5 images to install Stretch, however at least the netinst images run into funny dependency problems when doing so: [2]. Technically this is fine, Stretch is a moving target and one should not expect a 5 month old snapshot to work properly with todays packages. However, I think [1] should not link to these outdated images but rather to some daily/weekly builds? At least in the time we do not build Alpha/Beta releases (I know KiBi wanted to start doing this again). Greets Evgeni [1] https://www.debian.org/devel/debian-installer/ [2] https://img5.picload.org/image/rgodplwp/virtualbox_debiantesting_10_05.png