Package: installation-reports Boot method: yaboot Image version: Date: Fri Apr 29 10:21:50 CEST 2016
Machine: Mac Mini G4 Processor: G4 Memory: 512M Partitions: default setup (whole disk) upon `install32` Résultat de lspci -knn (ou lspci -nn) : ? Installation du système de base : O Initial boot: [E ] Detect network card: [O ] Configure network: [ O] Detect CD: [ O] Load installer modules: [O ] Detect hard drives: [ O] Partition hard drives: [ O] Install base system: [ O] Clock/timezone setup: [O ] User/password setup: [ O] Install tasks: [ O] Install boot loader: [ O] Overall install: [ O] Comments/Problems: Technically I do need some firmware: ATI/R200 and b43. The ATI should not be required, but the b43 would be nice if I want to do install over wifi. hw-detect did not seems to see the wifi card and did not ask for non-free external thingy.