Ian Campbell:
> So I'm afraid I'm still not clear exactly what issue you are seeing.
> Please can you post:
>  * the contents of your /boot/cmdline.txt
>  * the contents of the flash kernel db entry you have added for the
>    RPi2
>  * the resulting generated boot.scr.
>  * a full serial console log booting with that boot.scr

Sorry Ian, but I don't remember the exact details. That box is now in
production and I'd rather not take the risk to break it before next

Feel free to just ditch that bug report. It's moot for the RPi2 until we
have a compatible kernel in Debian anyway.

Lunar                                .''`. 
lu...@debian.org                    : :Ⓐ  :  # apt-get install anarchism
                                    `. `'` 

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