Dear Cyril,

Sorry, just found your email in my gmail's spam folder.
So I replied previous email before seeing your email.

On Thu, Feb 18, 2016 at 9:05 PM, Cyril Brulebois <> wrote:
> Hi Roger,
> Roger Shimizu <> (2016-02-18):
>> I cannot find today(2/18)'s armel d-i daily image [0], while other
>> arch is correctly downloadable [1][2].
>> If there's build error, there should be build log to check, but
>> unfortunately there's no 2/18's folder. So I'm asking what happened.
> Looking at /home/d-i/di/logs/di-autobuild_daily-armel-20160218-0000 on
> abel (the porterbox currently used for armel d-i daily builds), it
> seems due to a transient network error at the beginning of the build,
> hich triggered an early abort (and no logs are uploaded in that case).
> I've just started an out-of-cron run. If successful, it should appear
> within a few hours (until gets files, and publishes
> them through a mirror network for

Glad to know the reason.
Yes, now the armel daily is there. Thank you!

Roger Shimizu, GMT +9 Tokyo

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