Martin Michlmayr, on Mon 28 Dec 2015 21:00:34 -0800, wrote:
> It was also added to pkg-lists/netboot/network-console/armel.cfg
> explicitly, in a block excluding various udebs with the comment:
>  # Exclude framebuffer related modules that are listed in netboot/armel.cfg

Oops, I probably didn't realize this was the network console.

> I wonder if the line in pkg-lists/netboot/network-console/armel.cfg
> should REMOVE usb-serial-modules rather than ADD it.


> I'm not sure when usb-serial-modules is useful but I assume it's
> related to Braille devices.  Since network-console installations are
> done via SSH, I believe it doesn't make sense to include that module
> there.

For the same reason that it doesn't make sense to include framebuffer
modules, indeed.


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