Hi, I have been playing with d-i recently to install Debian on NSA325[1]. I've got d-i runnin and I have installed Debian more or less successfuly. There were some issues with kernel packages and I had to run shell in d-i to manuall install linux-image (and some other packages) but that is not the issue I'd like to write about now.
To get uImage and uInitrd for my device I have modifed build/config/armel/kirkwood/network-console.cfg Q1. What is the difference between (the purpose of) network-console.cfg and netboot.cfg? Q1-a. If I want to prepare a patch for d-i to support NSA325 should I modify netboot.cfg too? Q1-b. Is there any tutorial or a checklist how to port d-i to a new platform? I would like to prepare preseed.cfg to automate installation and I'd like d-i to download authorized_keys file so I put d-i network-console/authorized_keys_url string in the preseed.cfg. However, I can't find it in /.ssh/authorized_keys on a running d-i and it seems that this value is used during installation[2] of network-console which makes it kind of useless for uImage with the network-console preinstalled? Q2. Is it possible to download authorized_keys onto a d-i image with the network-console package preinstalled? [1] http://www.zyxel.com/products_services/nsa325_v2.shtml [2] http://sources.debian.net/src/network-console/1.52/debian/network-console.postinst/#L40 -- Było mi bardzo miło. --- Rurku. --- ... >Łukasz< --- To dobrze, że mnie słuchasz. ... Akcja oraz kiwi nabierają tempa...
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