On 2015-09-13 at 05:57 -0700, Jose R R wrote:
> Here is some additional info:
> A while back, I installed Debian Jessie AMD64 into a KVM virtual
> machine and also included the initial non-systemd boot argument:
> preseed/late_command="in-target apt-get install -y sysvinit-core"
> < https://wiki.debian.org/systemd#Installing_without_systemd >
> Afterwards a previous reiser4-patched Linux kernel 4.0.x was
> installed
> into the virtual machine and its root fs was subsequently formatted
> to
> reiser4.. The virtual machine was working fine:
> < https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CKIKgoZUAAIFx12.png:large >
> Yesterday, I installed into the vm a newer 4.1.6 kernel built "the
> debian way" except that it was customized with the newer 4.0.1
> Reiser4
> patch. Upon rebooting the VM, I captured a sequence of 4 snapshots
> (by
> paging down) that basically recreate the fail that I experienced
> priorly in the physical machine:
> < https://metztli.it/blog/index.php/ixiptli/non-systemd-debian-sid-re
> iser4 >
> Accordingly, seems the *lack of systemd* is enough for a Debian Sid
> instance to create a bad initrd.img. I have no idea if issue only
> appears with Reiser4 root fs or if it includes other file systems as
> root. Work in progress...

It's presence/absence of crc32c module that matters. Reiser4 does not
specify that it needs one.

Ivan Shapovalov / intelfx /

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